Bladder and Kidney Detox Plan
The urinary system is part of a complex process that maintains your body’s fluid stability. Urinary controls are involved with the brain, hormones, and receptors all over the body. They are smart controls that register what your body needs for fluids. Sometimes, they remove very little salt or water; at other times, they remove a lot. By the way… dehydration is the most common stress on the kidneys. Natural medicine emphasizes the importance of ample, high-quality water for kidney health.
Signs you could benefit from a bladder/kidney detox
Do you have chronic lower back pain, irritated urination, frequent unexplained chills, fever, or nausea or fluid retention? A gentle, natural, 3 to 5 day cleanse may be just the thing to keep you from getting a full-blown, painful bladder infection.
Start with this 3-day nutrition plan
Water is the key. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Bladder and kidneys operate efficiently only if there is sufficient water volume flowing through them to carry away wastes. Avoid dietary irritants on the kidneys, such as coffee, alcohol, and excessive protein.
Note: Avoid commercial antacids during healing. Some NSAID drugs are implicated in kidney failure cases.
The night before your bladder cleanse…
—One cup of bladder cleansing herb tea, like Crystal Star Bladder Comfort tea; Renee Ponder Diuret Herbal tea or uva ursi tea. Add ¼ tsp. non-acidic C crystals.
The next 3 days…
—On rising: take 1 lemon squeezed in a glass of water, with 1 tsp. acidophilus liquid; or 3 tsp. cranberry concentrate in a small glass of water, add ¼ tsp. non-acidic vit. C crystals. (Cranberry juice reduces ionized calcium in the urine by over 50% to create an unfavorable environment for urinary tract infections.)
—Breakfast: have a glass of watermelon juice or cranberry juice, or Crystal Star Bladder Comfort tea, with ¼ tsp. non-acidic vitamin C crystals or a glass of organic apple juice with ¼ tsp. acidophilus powder.
—Mid-morning: take 1 cup watermelon seed tea (grind seeds, steep in hot water 30 minutes, add honey); or a potassium broth with 2 tsp. Bragg’s Liquid Aminos; or an herbal bladder cleansing tea.
—Lunch: have a carrot-beet-cucumber juice, or a chlorophyll-rich drink, or a glass of carrot juice.
—Mid-afternoon: a cup of bladder herb tea, (parsley/oatstraw, plantain, watermelon seed tea or cornsilk).
—Dinner: have carrot juice, add 1 tsp. spirulina powder; or have a cranberry juice, add ¼ tsp. ascorbate vitamin C crystals.
—Before Bed: take a glass of papaya or apple juice with ¼ tsp. acidophilus powder.
Improvement Signs That Your Body Is Responding To The Cleanse
• The flow of urine is increased.
• Bladder infections and/or irritated urination abate.
• You’ll feel lighter and cleaner as your kidneys detoxifies free of congestion.