Cellutlite Solutions, Detox With Diet & Herbs
Cellulite is a combination of fat, water and trapped wastes beneath the skin – usually on otherwise thin women. When circulation and elimination processes become impaired, connective tissue loses its strength. Unmetabolized fats and wastes become trapped in pockets just beneath the skin instead of being expelled through normal means. Over time, the waste materials harden and form the puckering skin effect we know as cellulite. Because it is unattached material, dieting and exercise alone can’t dislodge cellulite.
An effective program for cellulite release should be in four parts:
- Stimulate elimination functions
- Increase circulation and metabolism
- Control excess fluid and waste retention
- Re-establish connective tissue elasticity
DIET THERAPY - Follow as closely as possible for best results
1. Add daily flushers to free trapped toxins: pineapple (bromelain), apples and berries (pectin fiber) and citrus (vitamin C). Carrot/beet/cucumber juice cleans the liver so it can metabolize fats better. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water, juices and green tea every day. Graze: eat smaller, more frequent meals, instead of 2 to 3 large ones to keep fat burning.
2. Fruits and juices each morning. Two fresh or steamed vegetables at every other meal. A fresh salad and brown rice once a day. A liver cleanse works wonders.
- The cellulite blacklist: • All fried, fatty dairy foods; • High caffeine, carbonated sodas, hard liquor; • Red meats; • Extra salty foods (use herbal seasoning instead).
3. Balance estrogen: add cruciferous veggies like broccoli to keep excess estrogen flushed. Have Omega-rich fish and seafood twice a week. Have 2 tbsp. chopped dried seaweeds 3 or 4 times a week in a soup, salad or rice; or 6 pcs. sushi daily.
Detox: Crystal Star Cellulite Tone caps with a hot seaweed bath to support healthy circulation and elimination.
- Use a dry skin brush or loofah to stimulate lymph glands. A seaweed bath afterward releases trapped toxins. A spa body wrap is a rapid fluid and inch-loss treatment. Get a lymphatic massage treatment at the spa to release even more trapped fats.
- 10-minute daily cellulite exercises work. They keep a slim subcutaneous fat layer, increase circulation, maintain underlying tissue integrity. Do them all each day for 10 minutes.
- Standing arm swings 50 count both arms
- 100 tummy sucks
- 100 torso twists
- Wall pushups with each arm and both arms
- Standing leg circles, 50 each leg
- Weight lifting that focuses on the lower body helps develop the muscles in the hips and thighs
- Deep breathing moves out lymph congestion that shows as cellulite (one reason why yoga and pilates are so effective)