How To Do A Colon Detox
Thanks for stopping in. This information on colon detoxes is actually over 5 years old and we don’t recommend initiating any colon cleanse regimen without consulting with your medical provider first, especially if you take any medications or have health problems.
If you’re interested in the connection between gut health and overall wellness, we wrote some fresh posts using the latest research.
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As the solid waste management organ for the entire body, your colon is also the easiest breeding ground for putrefactive bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Problems like headaches, skin blemishes, bad breath, fatigue, arthritis and heart disease are linked to a congested colon. Colon and bowel malfunctions are one of the biggest factors in accelerated aging. Cleansing your colon lightens the toxic load on every other part of your body… even your mind (mental dullness is a sign of colon congestion). When colon health is compromised, waste backs up, becomes toxic, and releases the toxins into the bloodstream. Real healing takes place at the deepest cellular levels. Your blood feeds your cells. The nutrients that reach your blood get there by the way of the colon. So, a clogged, dirty colon means toxins in your blood.
…Is your elimination time slow?
Bowel transit time should be approximately twelve hours. Slow bowel transit time allows wastes to become rancid. Blood capillaries lining the colon absorb these poisons into the bloodstream, exposing the rest of your body to the toxins.
…Do you eat fast food, highly processed, synthetic, or chemical laced foods?
A clean, strong system can metabolize or eliminate many pollutants that come into your body, but if you are constipated, they are stored in your system. As more and different chemicals enter your body they tend to inter-react with those that are already there, forming second generation chemicals more harmful than the originals. Colon cancer, now the second leading cancer in the United States (slightly behind lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women), is a direct result of accumulated toxic waste. Colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulosis, ileitis and Crohn’s disease, are all signs of waste congestion. They’re on the rise, too. Over 100,000 Americans have a colostomy every year!
…Is your digestion poor?
The most common sign of toxic bowel overload is poor digestion. If you’re eating a lot of rich, red meats and cheeses, white bread, sugary, salty foods or fried foods, they’re robbing your body of critical electrolytes and they have almost no fiber for digestion. A high fiber diet is both cure and prevention for waste elimination problems. Eating high fiber means you’re moving food through your digestive system quickly and easily. A low residue diet causes a gluey state – and your intestinal contractions can’t work efficiently. You can picture this if you remember the hard paste formed by white flour and water when you were a kid. A lot of the food we eat today is simply crammed into the colon, never fully excreted.
Media attention has been focused for decades on high fiber foods. Everybody in America must have changed their diet to a more colon-healthy pattern, right? This is simply not the case. Americans target their diets to reduce fat at all costs, often at the expense of a fiber-rich diet.
- The stool should be light enough to float.
- Bowel movements should be regular, daily and effortless.
- The stool should be almost odorless, signaling less bowel transit time.
- There should be no gas or flatulence.
Colon Self Test
- Constipated most of the time? a colon cleanse softens and removes colon congestion
- Feeling heavy and bloated? a colon cleanse helps you lose colon congestive weight
- Gassy with audible bowel rumbling and discomfort after you eat? a colon cleanse removes gluey materials impairing digestion
- Catch a cold, or flu every few weeks? a colon cleanse releases excess mucous that harbors viruses
- Tired for no real reason? a colon cleanse boosts immune and liver response for more energy
- Have a coated tongue, bad breath, or body odor? a colon cleanse clears rancidity that causes bad odors
- Do you feel mentally slow and tired? a colon cleanse lets more blood circulation get to your brain
- Skin unusually sallow and dull? a colon cleanse removes toxin that come out through your skin
- Have a degenerative disease like cancer, arthritis or lupus? a colon cleanse removes toxic elements
- Cholesterol numbers too high? a colon cleanse increases absorption of cholesterol-lowering foods
If you answered yes to any of these questions, a colon cleanse could provide you tremendous benefit to your overall health and well being. To learn about the importance of colon cleansing and how to begin a safe and effective program, click here.
Colon Detox Plan
The 4 key elements: enzymes from high chlorophyll plants; fiber from fruits and vegetables: probiotics from cultured foods like yogurts; waterof at least eight glasses a day.
The night before your colon cleanse… Try a gentle herbal laxative: Note: If you have a sensitive colon or irritable bowel disease (IBS), tone your colon before you cleanse. Avoid products with senna or psyllium. Use a gentle herbal cleansing formula, with peppermint oil, like BWL-Tone.
- Soak dried figs, prunes and raisins in water; add 1 tb. molasses, cover, leave to soak over night.
The next day…
- On rising: take a cleansing booster product. Take 1000mg vitamin C with bioflavonoids to raise body glutathione levels.
- Breakfast: discard dried fruits from soaking water and eat with a small glass of the liquid.
- Mid-morning: take 2 tbsp. aloe juice concentrate in a glass of juice or water and 1000mg vitamin C.
- Lunch: take a small glass of fresh carrot juice.
- Mid-afternoon: take an herbal cleansing tea.
- About 5 o’ clock: a small glass of potassium broth, or fresh carrot juice.
- Dinner: take a glass of apple or papaya juice and 1000mg vitamin C.
- Before Bed: repeat the herbal cleansers that you took on rising with a cup of mint tea.
Eat a raw foods salad on the last night of your cleanse.
To boost your cleanse, add 2 or 3 cleansing boosters:
- Electrolytes speed up a cleanse: Nature’s Path Trace-Lyte Liquid Minerals; Arise & Shine Alkalizer.
- Antioxidants defeat pollutants: Country Life Super 10 Antioxidant; NutriCology Antiox.
- Fiber support: Planetary TRI-CLEANSE; AloeLife FiberMate.
Note 1: Drugstore laxatives aren’t really cleansers. They offer only temporary relief, are usually habit-forming, destructive to intestinal membranes, and don’t get to the cause of the problem. The laxative so irritates the colon that the bowels expel whatever loose material is around. Note 2: Bowel elimination problems are often chronic and may need several rounds of cleansing. Alternate cleansing with periods of eating a healthy diet.
Colon Cleanse Bodywork
Techniques to enhance your cleanse: Irrigate: a colonic irrigation is a good way to start a colon/bowel cleanse. Grapefruit seed extract (15 to 20 drops in a gallon of water) is effective, especially if there is colon toxicity along with constipation. Try a catnip or diluted liquid chlorophyll enema every other night during the cleanse. Note: Enemas may be given to children. Use smaller amounts according to size and age. Allow water to enter very slowly; let them expel when they wish.
Exercise: Take a brisk walk for an hour every day to help keep your elimination channels moving.
Bathe: Take several long warm baths during your cleanse. Dry skin brushing will help release toxins coming out through your skin. Lemon Detox Bath: add into warm bath – 5 drops lemon essential oil and 2 drops geranium essential oil.
Massage therapy: Get one good lower back and pelvis massage during your cleanse.
Visualize your detox: Close your eyes; inhale and exhale long and slowly. As you exhale, visualize toxins dislodging and leaving your colon. As you inhale, visualize nourishing nutrients rebuilding vibrancy.